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PS Plus Premium Time Trials Will Reportedly Be Created By PlayStation, Not The Developers

Yesterday, it was reported that under the new PlayStation Plus model, those at the Premium level of subscription would have access to 2-hour time trials or demos, for all games priced higher than $34.

PSVR games are excluded from this, as are any game under that $34 ceiling. At the time, it looked like these demos would fall to the developers, but now however it looks like PlayStation will create the demos, not the developers.

This new update comes from the author of the original Kotaku report, who tweeted that his source had provided an update after the news was published.

It’s good to hear that these new, mandated demos won’t fall to the developers to create, but, as the reporter correctly notes, this does not remove all possible concerns regarding this potential new mandate.

Having the feature locked behind the highest paywall on the platform still isn’t great, and its doubtful that developers will ever get to see a percent of the money coming in from those premium subscriptions.

The key here though is that Sony has yet to publicly comment on any of these reports, or confirmed that it will head up the creation of these demos.

Until that, much of this still hangs in the balance, as there will likely be developer pushback, and what we are hearing now about the way things are structured, could likely change.

Source – [Twitter]