Feature Guide Monster Hunter World

Monster Hunter World Sinister Cloth Location To Unlock World Death Stench Armor

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You'll definitely want to get your hands on the World Death Stench Armor! This high-level piece of armor is one of the best sets in Monster Hunter World, but first you'll need to find the Sinister Cloth.

In order to discover this rare item and forge your World Death Stench Armor, you're going to need a bit of luck. However, follow this guide on how to find the Sinister Cloth and you should pick it up in no time.

How To Find The Monster Hunter World Sinister Cloth

  1. Unlock the Tailraider Safari side quests. You'll do this automatically as you progress through the story.
  2. Check the stats of your Palicos. You'll want their gathering, hunting and research stats to be as high as possible with a research rating of at least 4.
  3. Send your Palicos out on expeditions to gather materials by picking up a Tailrider mission from the housekeeper.
  4. Make sure you target them to Red Card missions only (4 stars or above).

The Sinister Cloth is an extremely rare drop, but if you keep sending your Palicos out of these missions it will drop.

So, there's no guaranteed way right now to find the Sinister Cloth, but if you keep sending out your Palicos on these high-level missions it will drop sooner or later and you'll be beefed up with your World Death Stench Armor set.

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